Thursday, June 12, 2014

Finding a Balance

I have a very close encounter with an accident this morning. Three cars got into a collision, mine was supposed to be the fourth one. The skid from the car in front of me signaled an impending clash. And all of a sudden I saw the three cars bumped into each other like a torte cake. I imagined an over easy eggs smashed flat in a skillet after tossing them.

I was shocked, not at the scene before me, although it was supposed to be shocking for most of us, but at how composed I was. The level of calmness I exuded was surreal. It makes me thinking where that composure in the midst of a seemingly frantic moment were coming from. It was not just that incident that put my nerve into test. I've been in a roller coaster ride for the past several years. Somehow, I still find a balance between taking care of my worries and moving forward as to what lies ahead.

Looking back, I knew where the sense of balance springs from. The many years of practicing meditation is paying off. My life in cloister is like a process in cooking where you pick out the freshest ingredients and preparing all the spices do that when you toss them in the pan, you will surely strike a balance of flavor. The practice of mindfulness has taught me to center my thoughts on the present moment, to stay focus and not loose attention for what is happening before my very eyes. Just as cooking demands undivided attention to attain the savory balance on the food, life - with all its complexities demands unwavering attention to the everything that surrounds us.

What really makes a food outstanding is the balance that the palate distinctively finds in every bite or chew. Life offers a variety flavors and it is up to us to find a right balance despite overwhelming odds..

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